We're here to serve you!

Commercial and Residential Real Estate - Closings, Title, and Escrow Services

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Direct Contact Info

John T. Cook - Attorney
jtc@atctn.com  -  ext. 240

Mike Boyd - Associate Attorney
mboyd@atctn.com  -  ext. 223

Jeff Benz - Commercial Escrow Officer
jbenz@atctn.com  -  ext. 222 

Jessica Puckett - Office Administrator
jpuckett@atctn.com  -  ext. 221 

Diana Aubin - Paralegal | Escrow Officer
daubin@atctn.com  -  ext. 385

Sherri Hollars - Paralegal | Escrow Officer
shollars@atctn.com  -  ext. 248

Natalie McKee - Paralegal | Processor
nmkee@atctn.com  -  ext. 228

Stephanie Martin - Paralegal | Processor
smartin@atctn.com  -  ext. 245

Christy Tesch - Paralegal | Processing Assistant | Post Closer
ctesch@atctn.com  -  ext. 247

Lisa Aiken - Paralegal | Title Examiner
laiken@atctn.com - ext. 241

Cindy O'Neil - Paralegal | Title Examiner
coneil@atctn.com - ext. 119